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Sunday, 29 December 2013

Christmas present

Well I didn't manage to make very many presents this year, but the ones I did get finished were well received.   Inspired by some lovely decoupaged clothes hangers I spotted on Folksy (which sadly don't seem to be available any more), I used Annie Sloan's famous Chalk Paint to brighten up the wooden hangers I picked up at a boot sale a few months ago, and added some little lavender filled hearts.  I prefer the flowery ones over the hearts, but the set of 3 go quite well together I think. 
Next was my first ever attempt at an apron - I have been meaning to make some for myself forever and just haven't quite gotten around to it.  This one was from Butterick 5125, but as you can see I used some contrasting fabrics and a pocket instead of a bow.  In the first picture you can see the adorable little vintage Bissel carpet sweeper which my Mum gave me for Christmas as a present for Dolly - can't wait to see it in situ!  I was surprised at how long the apron took to make, but I suppose I didn't pick the very simplest pattern - I like the frills and edging though.
Lastly there was this funny little reversible sunhat, made from this Betz White pattern - a lesson in attention to detail if ever there was one; I sort of ignored the crucial little bit on the download that told me to check my printer was true to the sizing on the pattern, so unfortunately it came out way too small for its intended recipient!  All is not lost though - my lovely neighbour Marjorie is both petite and elegant and makes the hat look rather stylish, so it found a good home after all.
So now it's back to a final push to get the everlasting-quilt finished.  I am ITCHING to finish it as I have promised myself I will not start on anything new until it's done.  Patience never was my strong point, but I will persevere.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Hidden talents

In this busy busy life we all seem to lead, it seems ever more challenging to find time to sit and stare, or pick up a needle and thread, or put pen to paper.  On the other hand, we have a world of loveliness at our finger tips, awash with beautiful creations on Pinterest, blogs, Tumblr - easy then to think 'I don't have time for that' or 'I couldn't do anything as clever as that'.  Well if you can find a few moments and a drop of self belief, you may pleasantly suprise yourself.  I am so impressed with this beautiful picture my daughter produced right out of nowhere, having not done anything at all artistic since her school days.  I think it is perfectly charming, and can't wait to see what comes next!  Inspiration, I think, for us all.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Cheeky chalk paint

I love this stuff - no surface prep required, slap it on and play around to your heart's content.  
Secret Christmas present goings on aside, the main event was the refurbishment of a chair that had spent several wet winters under my Ma's oak tree - my lovely husband firmed it up with a spot of glue on its aching joints and then it was on with the paint, waxed up and re-seated - and now I have the perfect chair for my crafty corner.  Very happy!  And rather comfy too.