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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Quick knits

After several months of frantic activity to complete The Cardigan in time for Christmas, it's nice to chill out with a bit of chunky wool and big fat needles and whip up a cosy scarf - very satisfying. Also pictured are the knits I kicked off with back in the spring, one of which I tried to turn into a cushion with a velvet back; nice idea but due to my slapdash method it didn't turn out too well. It's now awaiting a big fat cushion to shove inside which I'm hoping will go some way towards hiding the wobbly stitching around the edge. Next on my list: a red woolly voyageur hat for my lovely husband - he promises me he'll wear it.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Well hello 2016 you beautiful new year!

Here we are at the start of another year, one full of promise for me and my lovely husband - in just a few short months we will be packing up the house and moving to a tiny flat for a while (to save a few ££s) and then relocating to Nova Scotia for good - yippee! Our kids are grown, our plans are laid, and a whole new era begins. Meanwhile I'm hoping for a bit of snow to celebrate the season - somehow 'I'm dreaming of a warm wet winter' doesn't have quite the right ring to it, but it's all we've had so far! So here's a little snowflake to bring in the New Year.