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Wednesday, 15 May 2019


One of the many things I love about where we live is the 'small town' mindset - ok, that can have its negative aspects, but I love the community events, clubs, social gatherings and the way folks smile and say hello just passing on the street.  I love that most houses have a porch facing outwards to the road so you can sit and watch the world tick along and wave hello to passers by.  I love that there are very few fences and gates around people's homes, and I love the way that Pot Lucks are the norm for entertaining friends.  Sometimes there are frustrations - many websites and banking and insurance procedures feel like they haven't progressed in the last decade or several.  But then you happen upon some really great initiatives and talent, in all sorts of walks of life, one shining example being the LifeSchool House which has just relocated to a lovely old farmhouse not far from where we live. In addtion to all kinds of workshops, where the presenter is rewarded with donated goods instead of cash, every month there is a Makers' Swap, which I had the pleasure of attending this week.

What a great idea and what good fun!  Everyone takes a few home made things along: baked goods, home brew, plant seedlings, soaps, knitted and stitched crafts, postcards, and more. Everyone was friendly and welcoming, there's no pressure to take a lot or a little and everyone gets to pick something in turn from the table until everything is gone.  I took along some bunting and some greeting cards, and came home with several tomato and pepper seedlings, gorgeously scented home made gardeners' soap, a taster of Fire Cider, beautiful postcards from a local photographer, and a tiny bottle of something that I'm told will properly perk up whatever liquid beverage I care to mix it with and properly perk me up too!  What to make for next month's swap? Watch this space!